Acupuncture is an ancient oriental technique used to restore health and well-being by inserting small needles in a localized way to stimulate certain areas of the body, proving that acupuncture for weight loss is very effective.
Its ability to increase metabolism and reduce appetite makes this technique perfect to help lose weight, while helping reduce anxiety, stress and depression, bringing greater well-being.
Points Used In Acupuncture To Lose Weight
Stimulated points, which can be located in various areas of the body, to help lose weight are:
Endocrine is stimulated when the reason for excess weight is fluid retention.
Lungs, this point is stimulated for people who have an addiction to meals.
Spleen, when excess weight is due to hormonal problems like sugar, it usually stimulates the spleen.
Stomach, it is especially used in people who have a strong anxiety of eating, and they do not stop, even if they are completely full.
The mouth, used for smokers and compulsive eaters.
Thyroid, if the person's metabolism is slow, is used to help accelerate it.
Kidney, related to fluid retention and nervous system.
Acupuncture is a technique that is performed to treat localized symptoms, in the case of being used to lose weight, a very used area is the ear, known as auriculoterapia, which stimulate 5 key points with 5 needles, these are:
The liver
The nervious system
The kidneys
And the last needle works the relaxation
The function of these needles is to detoxify the body in general, favoring the loss of weight, and causing the production of endorphins, chemicals that promote the welfare state in people, which decreases the anxiety of eating and cravings Carbohydrates.
You should know that no treatment will be completely efficient, but you change to a healthier lifestyle, like eating healthy and include some exercise routines.
Although this recommendation is very repetitive is the most recommended, because without diet or exercise will be difficult to get the results you really expect.
Symptoms That Specialists Seek
In acupuncture to lose weight, some areas are usually observed to determine the possible causes of overweight, these are:
The tongue, in search of some yellowish or whitish coating, and cracks.
The stomach, taking a measure of its energy, analyzing the digestive problems that can have the person, and know the eating habits.
The pulsations, to determine the state of general energy of the body.
There are many alternatives to combat overweight and obesity, this is one that is very effective and beneficial, since at the same time that helps you eliminate those extra pounds, you stimulate energy and wellness points.
These points will help you create moods that will help you stay optimistic and healthy, in the process of acupuncture to lose weight.
Its ability to increase metabolism and reduce appetite makes this technique perfect to help lose weight, while helping reduce anxiety, stress and depression, bringing greater well-being.
Points Used In Acupuncture To Lose Weight
Stimulated points, which can be located in various areas of the body, to help lose weight are:
Endocrine is stimulated when the reason for excess weight is fluid retention.
Lungs, this point is stimulated for people who have an addiction to meals.
Spleen, when excess weight is due to hormonal problems like sugar, it usually stimulates the spleen.
Stomach, it is especially used in people who have a strong anxiety of eating, and they do not stop, even if they are completely full.
The mouth, used for smokers and compulsive eaters.
Thyroid, if the person's metabolism is slow, is used to help accelerate it.
Kidney, related to fluid retention and nervous system.
Acupuncture is a technique that is performed to treat localized symptoms, in the case of being used to lose weight, a very used area is the ear, known as auriculoterapia, which stimulate 5 key points with 5 needles, these are:
The liver
The nervious system
The kidneys
And the last needle works the relaxation
The function of these needles is to detoxify the body in general, favoring the loss of weight, and causing the production of endorphins, chemicals that promote the welfare state in people, which decreases the anxiety of eating and cravings Carbohydrates.
You should know that no treatment will be completely efficient, but you change to a healthier lifestyle, like eating healthy and include some exercise routines.
Although this recommendation is very repetitive is the most recommended, because without diet or exercise will be difficult to get the results you really expect.
Symptoms That Specialists Seek
In acupuncture to lose weight, some areas are usually observed to determine the possible causes of overweight, these are:
The tongue, in search of some yellowish or whitish coating, and cracks.
The stomach, taking a measure of its energy, analyzing the digestive problems that can have the person, and know the eating habits.
The pulsations, to determine the state of general energy of the body.
There are many alternatives to combat overweight and obesity, this is one that is very effective and beneficial, since at the same time that helps you eliminate those extra pounds, you stimulate energy and wellness points.
These points will help you create moods that will help you stay optimistic and healthy, in the process of acupuncture to lose weight.
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