Pineapple Diet Pineapple is one of the healthiest fruits in existence.
Pineapple Diet to lose 3 Kilograms in a week A tropical fruit that has a high content of vitamin C and has a high water content, so it has a low level of calories.
In addition, pineapple is rich in minerals such as sulfur, iron, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and manganese.
In addition, pineapple is a fruit with diuretic effects that allows to eliminate the liquid that retains the body, and this is thanks to the fiber and water that it possesses.
This rich and refreshing fruit is credited with burning fat as well as satiating properties.
It is for this reason that the famous pineapple diet is so popular among those who wish to eat a diet to lose 3 Kilograms in a week.
Diet To Lose 3 Kilograms In One Week: Pineapple Like Star Food
Pineapple is the fruit par excellence for all those people who want to lose weight in a short time, since its low calorie content and high nutritional value makes it a safe bet, so there are many diets based on this fruit.
This tropical fruit will allow you to lose weight quickly and will help you to detoxify your body.
If you have decided to make a diet to lose 3 Kilograms in a week, the pineapple will become your best ally to make a diet that offers you good results in just 7 days.
Its satiating, diuretic and digestive properties allow you to effectively reduce weight and combat accumulated fat deposits in certain regions of the body such as the abdomen.
But, what are the main benefits of this diet?
The meals made with pineapple are very simple to prepare
gives numerous nutrients and health benefits
Helps detoxify and cleanse the entire body
Highlight that this is not a diet to lose 3 Kilograms in a week recommended for people who have some type of disease or who perform intense physical exercise.
Diet To Lose 3 Kilograms In One Week: Lose Weight Fast!
After a time of abundant meals and excesses, weight gain is more than remarkable, and the pineapple diet becomes the best way to achieve detoxify your entire body and reduce the weight you have gained.
It is key not to extend this diet for more than 1 week, since it is a strict diet to achieve a desired goal in such a short time, it can cause nutritional deficiencies if the diet is extended over time.
The following diet to lose 3 Kilograms in a week will allow you to reduce those extra Kilograms in a short time:
Breakfast: Tea or infusion without sugar (use saccharin) and 2-3 slices of pineapple
Half morning: 1 glass of natural pineapple juice
Food: Detoxifying / cleansing broth made with a little celery, 4 leeks, 3 artichokes, 2 turnips and 1 carrot. A piece of grilled chicken or fish
Snack: 1 skim yogurt and 1 glass of natural pineapple juice
Dinner: 4-5 slices of pineapple
If you want to lose 3 or 4 Kilograms in a week, do not hesitate and opt for the pineapple diet, the results it offers are really surprising.
You know that to be fabulous you have to accompany this diet to lose 3 Kilograms in a week with exercises. What do you think of the shortest exercise routine?
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