How to Lose Five Kilograms in a Week With 3 Colors

Do you want to know how to lose five Kilograms in a week?

How to Lose Five Kilograms in a Week With 3 Colors

How to lose weight in a weekMany are the ways you can try to achieve such a goal but if you try the technique of colors you have success assured.

How to lose Five Kilograms in a Week Thanks to Green, Orange and Red

And what is this technique of colors that will allow you to achieve such weight loss? Well, such technique consists of making a list of foods associated with colors and from that list you can consume all the foods that you want unlimited throughout the week that this process will last.

But outside of those colors (except the consumption of water that will be unlimited) you must abstain from consuming any other product.

But attention that to know how to lose five Kilograms in a week with colors does not mean that any food that is of the colors that are going to be mentioned is suitable and suitable to include it in the technique here highlighted.

For there can obviously be food (or even ways of cooking some elements if included) that even though they may have such a color they are not fit to be introduced and used in the art.

The Development Of The Technique To Know How to lose Five Kilograms In A Week

To know specifically how to lose five Kilograms in a week you should look at three colors.

Each one of them will send you to certain foods and are the ones that will have a free bar throughout the week that lasts the slimming technique proposed here.

  • Green: the color par excellence of vegetables and vegetables, the only one but the highly predominant. Here more than specific foods can be said that you can incorporate all that group of vegetables and vegetables that are green.
  • Among all these you can consume them unlimitedly, but attention, it does not serve according to what type of cooking: only vegetables and vegetables are accepted raw (properly washed) or boiled, always without additional dressings beyond herbal spices to taste.
  • Red: the color of passion, inside this color you will especially find the tomato. This food deserves special attention because you could either include it as food alone within the previous range, how you can make with it natural juices, cold soups, etc.
  • The orange: big names of this color are orange, mandarins and carrots (they also allow you to consume solid or liquid).

Of all these you can consume unlimited to know how to lose five Kilograms in a week. Within this group you can include fresh salmon.
